
Energizing People to Re-Imagine our Cities

I’m not the creator of the below video, but I found it randomly, recently, and it was created during my tenure as a consultant for Mobility Lab, a think tank funded by Arlington County government. We had been tasked with persuading DC metro commuters to take public transit rather than drive alone to work. The time period in which this video was produced felt like a special time in Arlington County, a small but influential and wealthy county in Northern Virginia just across the river from Washington, DC.. (in fact, the county makes up the bottom left portion of the diamond shape originally conceived as the boundaries for the nation’s capital).

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Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln)

The Rebirth of the Zombie and — Dare I Say it — Walkable City

Ever since George Romero’s 1978 film “Dawn of the Dead” (arguably the best zombie film of all time, with a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes), zombies have symbolized modern-day anxieties, specifically American consumerism. For what is a zombie but a mindless automaton consuming everything in its path? But give me a little latitude here, because I believe a strong case can be made that zombie movies also mirror migration trends and settlement patterns, and the new movie “Warm Bodies” gives hope that things are headed in the right direction.

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